General Terms and Conditions
1. Scope of Application
1.1 These General Terms and Conditions govern the mutual rights and obligations between the accommodation provider and the guest.
1.2 These General Terms and Conditions do not affect the right to conclude special agreements. If a special agreement concluded with the guest should conflict with these General Terms and Conditions, the special agreement shall have priority over these General Terms and Conditions. The regulations of these General Terms and Conditions that are not affected by the special agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
2. Definitions of Terms
2.1 Definitions: “Accommodation provider” means a natural or legal person who accommodates guests in return for payment. “Guest”: Is a natural person who makes use of accommodation. As a rule, the guest is also the contracting party. Guests also include persons travelling with the contracting party (e.g. family members, friends, etc.). “Contracting party”: A natural or legal person in Austria or abroad who concludes an accommodation contract as a guest or on behalf of a guest. “Consumer” and ” Entrepreneur”: These terms are to be understood in the sense of the Consumer Protection Act (KSchG). “Accommodation contract”: The contract concluded between the accommodation provider and the contracting party, whose content is regulated in more detail below.
3. Conclusion of contract – Down payment
3.1 The Accommodation Contract shall be concluded upon acceptance of the contracting party’s order by the accommodation provider. Electronic declarations shall be considered to have been received if the party for whom they are intended can retrieve them under normal circumstances and if they are received during the business hours announced by the accommodation provider.
3.2 The accommodation provider is authorised to conclude the accommodation contract and the contract for the provision of event or seminar rooms on the condition that the contracting party makes a down payment. In this case, the accommodation provider is obliged to inform the contracting party of the contractual conditions before accepting
the written or verbal order of the contracting party. If the contracting party agrees to the down payment (in writing or verbally), the accommodation contract is concluded with the receipt of the declaration of consent regarding the transfer of the down payment by the contracting party to the accommodation provider.
3.3 The contracting party is obliged to transfer the down payment not later than 7 days (arriving) before accommodation. The costs for the money transaction (e.g. transfer charges) are to be covered by the contracting party. For credit and debit cards, the respective terms and conditions of the card companies shall apply.
3.4 The down payment is an instalment of the agreed fee.
4. Start and end of accommodation
4.1 Unless the accommodation provider offers a different time of occupancy, the contracting party shall have the right to move into the rented rooms from 3.00 p.m. on the agreed day (“day of arrival”).
4.2 If a room is taken up for the first time before 6.00 a.m., the previous night counts as the first overnight stay.
4.3 The rented rooms must be made available by the contractual partner by 11.00 a.m. on the day of departure. The accommodation provider is entitled to charge an additional day if the rented rooms are not vacated in time.
5. Withdrawal from the contract – Cancellation fee
5.1. Cancellation by the accommodation provider: The accommodation contract with the contracting party can be cancelled by the accommodation provider for objectively justified reasons up to 3 months before the agreed date of arrival at the latest, unless otherwise agreed, through a unilateral declaration.
5.2. Cancellation by the contracting party
5.2.1 Conditions for cancellation when booking a daily rate: Your booking can be cancelled free of charge up to 2 days before arrival, 6 pm. After this, 100% cancellation fees will be charged for cancellations or no-shows.
5.2.2 Cancellation conditions for NON REF rate Cancellation conditions: The price valid for this reservation can only be booked with 100% prepayment and cannot be cancelled or changed free of charge. Please note that all cancellations, changes or no-shows on the specified arrival date will be charged with the total amount of your reservation.
By booking this preferential package, you accept that the full cost of your stay will be charged from your credit card at the time of booking.
5.2.3 Cancellation conditions when booking a package: As a guarantee of payment and booking, we only accept your reservation if you provide a valid credit card number and its expiry date. Cancellation conditions: Your reservation can be cancelled free of charge up to 5 days before arrival until 6 pm. After this, 100% cancellation fees will be charged for cancellations or no-shows.
5.2.4 If the contracting party is unable to arrive at the accommodation establishment on the day of arrival due to unforeseeable extraordinary circumstances (e.g. extreme snowfall, flooding, etc.), the contracting party shall not be obliged to pay the agreed remuneration for the arrival day. However, the contracting party shall be obliged to inform the accommodation provider of the occurrence of such an event without delay, if possible.
5.2.5 The obligation to pay for the booked stay will be revived from the date of arrival if arrival is possible again within three days.
5.2.6 Up to 24 hours before the agreed appointment for treatments (massage/beauty treatments, therapy treatments), a treatment can be cancelled without payment of a cancellation fee by means of a unilateral declaration by the contracting party. After this date, treatments must be paid in full.
5.2.7 Event/seminar rooms booked by the contracting party and corresponding event services are subject to the cancellation conditions agreed upon conclusion of the contract for such bookings.
6. Availability of alternative accommodation
6.1 The accommodation provider may arrange adequate alternative accommodation (of the same quality) for the contracting party or the guests if this is reasonable for the contracting party, especially if the differences are minor and objectively justified.
6.2 An objective justification is given, for example, if the room(s) has (have) become unusable, guests already accommodated extend their stay, there is an overbooking or other important operational measures necessitate this step.
6.3 Any additional expenses for the replacement accommodation will be borne by the accommodation provider.
7. Rights of the contracting party
7.1 By concluding an accommodation contract, the contracting party acquires the right to the usual use of the rented rooms, the facilities of the accommodation establishment which are usually accessible to guests for use without special conditions, and also to the usual service.
7.2 The contracting party is obliged to exercise its rights in accordance with any hotel and/or guest guidelines (house rules).
8. Obligations of the contracting party
8.1 The contracting party is obliged to pay the agreed remuneration plus any additional amounts incurred due to the separate utilisation of services by him and/or the guests accompanying him plus statutory value added tax at the latest at the time of departure. Payments must be made in cash, by Maestro (debit card) or with the following credit cards: American Express, Mastercard, Diners Club, VISA. Payment with vouchers issued or accepted by the accommodation provider is equivalent to payment in cash.
8.2 The accommodation provider is not obliged to accept foreign currencies. If the accommodation provider accepts foreign currencies in individual cases, these will be accepted at the daily exchange rate. The contracting party has to bear all associated costs, such as enquiries with credit card companies, exchange fees, telegrams, etc.
8.3 The contracting party is liable to the accommodation provider for any damage caused by him or the guest or other persons who accept services from the accommodation provider with the knowledge or will of the contracting party.
9. Rights of the accommodation provider
9.1 If the contracting party refuses to pay the agreed remuneration or is in arrears with it, the accommodation provider shall be entitled to the statutory right of retention pursuant to Section 970c ABGB and the statutory right of lien pursuant to Section 1101 ABGB to the items brought in by the contracting party or the guest The accommodation provider shall also be entitled to this right of retention or lien to secure its claims arising from the accommodation contract, in particular for catering, other expenses incurred on behalf of the contracting party and for any claims for compensation
of any kind.
9.2 If service is requested in the contracting party’s room at unusual times of the day (after 8.00 p.m. and before 6.00 a.m.), the accommodation provider will be entitled to charge a special fee for this. However, this special charge must be indicated on the room price board or room information folder. The accommodation provider may also refuse these services for operational reasons.
9.3 The accommodation provider shall have the right to invoice or interim invoice for his services at any time.
10. Obligations of the accommodation provider
10.1 The accommodation provider is obliged to provide the agreed services to a standard corresponding to his own.
10.2 Special services offered by the accommodation provider which are not included in the accommodation fee and which are subject to labelling must be paid for separately.
11. Liability of the accommodation provider for damage to belongings brought in
11.1 The accommodation provider is liable in accordance with §§ 970 ff ABGB for the belongings brought in by the contracting party. The accommodation provider shall only be liable if the belongings have been handed over to the accommodation provider or to persons authorised by the accommodation provider or have been brought to a place instructed or designated for this purpose by the accommodation provider. If the accommodation provider is unable to provide proof, the accommodation provider shall be liable for his own fault or the fault of his staff and the persons travelling to and from the accommodation. The accommodation provider is liable in accordance with § 970 (1) ABGB up to a maximum amount of EUR 550. If the contracting party or the guest does not immediately comply with the accommodation provider’s request to deposit their belongings in a special storage location, the accommodation provider shall be released from any liability. The amount of any liability of the accommodation provider is limited to a maximum of the liability insurance sum of the respective accommodation provider. Any fault on the part of the contracting party or guest must be taken into account.
11.2 The accommodation provider shall not be liable for slight negligence. If the contracting party is an entrepreneur, liability is also excluded for gross negligence. In this case, the contracting party shall bear the burden of proof for the existence of fault. Consequential damage or indirect damage as well as lost profits will not be compensated under any circumstances.
11.3 The accommodation provider is only liable for valuables, money and securities up to the current amount of EUR 550. The accommodation provider shall only be liable
for any further damage in the event that he has accepted these items for safekeeping with knowledge of their condition or in the event that the damage was caused by himself or one of his employees. The limitation of liability pursuant to 12.1 and 12.2 shall apply accordingly.
11.4 The accommodation provider may refuse the safekeeping of valuables, money and securities if the items in question are significantly more valuable than those usually kept by guests of the accommodation provider.
11.5 In any case of accepted storage, liability is excluded if the contracting party and/or guest does not immediately notify the accommodation provider of the damage that has occurred after becoming aware of it. In addition, these claims must be asserted in court within three years of knowledge or possible knowledge by the contracting party or guest; otherwise the right is extinguished.
12. Limitations of liability
12.1 If the contracting party is a consumer, the accommodation provider’s liability for slight negligence is excluded, with the exception of personal injury.
12.2 If the contracting party is an entrepreneur, the accommodation provider’s liability for slight and gross negligence is excluded. In this case, the contracting party shall bear the burden of proof for the existence of fault. Consequential damage, immaterial damage or indirect damage as well as lost profits will not be compensated. In any case, the damage to be compensated is limited to the amount of the legitimate interest.
13. Animals
13.1 Animals may only be brought to the accommodation establishment with the prior consent of the accommodation provider and, if necessary, for a special fee.
13.2 The contracting party who takes an animal with him is obliged to keep or supervise this animal properly during his stay or to have it kept or supervised by a suitable third party at his own expense.
13.3 The contracting party who takes an animal with him is obliged to keep or supervise this animal properly during his stay or to have it kept or supervised by a suitable third party at his own expense. At the request of the accommodation provider, proof of the corresponding insurance must be presented.
13.4 The contracting party or his insurer shall be jointly and severally liable to the accommodation provider for any damage caused by animals brought into the accommodation. In particular, the damage shall also include any compensation payable by the accommodation provider to third parties.
13.5 No animals are allowed in the salons, lounges, restaurant rooms and wellness areas.
14. Prolongation of accommodation
14.1 The contracting party shall not be entitled to have his stay extended. If the contracting party declares its wish to extend the stay in good time, the accommodation provider may agree to the extension of the accommodation contract. The accommodation provider has no obligation to do so.
14.2 If the contracting party is unable to leave the accommodation on the day of departure due to unforeseeable exceptional circumstances (e.g. extreme snowfall, flooding, etc.), the accommodation contract shall be automatically extended for the duration of the impossibility of departure. A reduction of the fee for this period is only possible if the contracting party is unable to make full use of the services offered by the accommodation establishment by reason of the exceptional weather conditions. The accommodation provider is entitled to charge at least the price that corresponds to the price usually charged in the low season.
15. Termination of the accommodation contract – Early cancellation
15.1 If the accommodation contract was concluded for a fixed term, it shall end with the expiry of the term.
15.2 If the contracting party departs earlier, the accommodation provider shall be entitled to demand the full agreed remuneration. The accommodation provider shall deduct what he has saved as a result of the non-utilisation of his services or what he has received by renting the booked rooms to other parties. Savings are only considered to exist, if the accommodation establishment is fully booked at the time of non-utilisation of the rooms booked by the guest and the room can be rented to further guests due to the cancellation of the contracting party. The contracting party bears the burden of proof of said savings.
15.3 The death of a guest terminates the contract with the accommodation provider.
15.4 If the accommodation contract has been concluded for an indefinite period,
the contracting parties may cancel the contract by 10.00 a.m. on the third day before the intended end of the contract.
15.5 The accommodation provider shall be entitled to terminate the accommodation contract with immediate effect for good cause, in particular if the contracting party or the guest a) makes significantly detrimental use of the premises or, through his inconsiderate, offensive or otherwise grossly improper behaviour, makes it unpleasant for the other guests, the owner, the owner’s staff or third parties staying in the accommodation establishment to stay together or is guilty of an offence against property, morality or physical safety towards these persons that is punishable by law; b) is afflicted by an infectious disease or an illness that lasts beyond the period of accommodation or otherwise becomes in need of care; c) fails to pay the submitted invoices when due within a reasonably set period (3 days).
15.6 If the fulfilment of the contract becomes impossible due to an event deemed to be force majeure (e.g. natural disasters, strike, lockout, official orders, etc.), the accommodation provider may terminate the accommodation contract at any time without observing a notice period, unless the contract is already deemed terminated by law or the accommodation provider is released from his obligation to provide accommodation. Possible claims for damages etc. by the contracting party are excluded.
16. Place of fulfilment, place of jurisdiction and choice of law
16.1 The place of fulfilment is the place where the accommodation establishment is located.
16.2 This contract is subject to Austrian formal and substantive law to the exclusion of the rules of private international law (in particular IPRG and EVÜ) and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
16.3 The exclusive place of jurisdiction in bilateral business transactions shall be the registered office of the accommodation provider, whereby the accommodation provider shall also be entitled to assert his rights before any other court with local and subject-matter jurisdiction.
17. Miscellaneous
17.1 In so far as the above provisions do not contain any special provisions, the period shall begin to run upon delivery of the document ordering the period to the contracting parties,
who must observe the period. When calculating a time limit which is determined by days, the day on which the time or event falls on which the start of the time limit is to be based is not included. Time limits determined by weeks or months refer to that day of the week or month which corresponds by its name or number to the day from which the time limit is counted. If this day is missing in the month, the last day of this month is applicable.
17.2 Declarations must be received by the other contracting party on the last day of the deadline (midnight).
17.3 The accommodation provider shall be entitled to offset his own claims against claims of the contracting party. The contracting party shall not be entitled to set off its own claims against claims of the accommodation provider unless the accommodation provider is insolvent or the claim of the contracting party has been established by a court or recognised by the accommodation provider.
17.4 In the case of loopholes, the relevant statutory regulations shall apply. Dress code: Please note that smart clothing is required in the restaurant in the evening. Men are requested to wear long trousers.
General Terms and Conditions of the Vamed Vitality Club
1. Scope of the GTC
These GTC apply for participation in the VAMED VitalityClub. Correspondence and all other information is provided in German or English.
2. Subject of the contract
These GTC contain provisions according to which
bonus points (“VitalityClub Points”) are credited for bonusable transactions made by the customer, provided that the customer is a consumer within the meaning of Section 1 KSchG (consumer protection act), or according to which the customer can make use of VAMED VitalityClub offers. A current overview of the participating VAMED Vitality World resorts can be found under https://www.vitalityworld.com. Membership of the VAMED VitalityClub is free of charge, linked to the person of the customer and non-transferable.
3. Registration for the VAMED VitalityClub
You can register for the VAMED VitalityClub at https://www.vitality-world.com or via the VitalityClub App. It is also possible to register for the VAMED VitalityClub directly at the VAMED Vitality World resorts using the tablets available there. The application for participation in the VAMED VitalityClub is regarded as accepted upon transmission of the registration data (login data) by VAMED Standortentwicklung und Engineering GmbH, Sterngasse 5, 1230 Vienna, (“VSG”). The contractual relationship is concluded between VSG and the customer. When the contract is concluded, the customer must have reached the age of 18. Generally, the VitalityClub card is a digital card. The VitalityClub card can be issued as a physical card in cheque card format – if requested by the customer – and is free of charge for the customer. The use of the offers within the VAMED VitalityClub is free of charge for the customer. You can find the current benefits of the VAMED VitalityClub under https://www.vitality-world.com.
4. VitalityClub Account and the Benefits
For every customer participating in the VAMED VitalityClub, an account (“VitalityClub account”) is maintained. The VitalityClub Account balance shows the bonus points (“VitalityClub Points”) that have been generated on the basis of the customer’s transactions during the payment process, showing proof of VAMED VitalityClub membership. These sales are converted into VitalityClub Points, provided they are not excluded from the bonus. Excluded from the bonus are sales from the purchase of vouchers and the consumption of medical services, local taxes, half-year and annual memberships and membership fees for participating resorts, third-party services within a participating resort (e.g. hairdressers, purchases in the shops, tips, stays booked via a tour operator, external online booking platforms, agencies or via insurance companies and contractually agreed special rates). The VAMED Vitality World resorts reserve the right to exclude other sales from the bonus by means of a corresponding announcement. Subsequent recognition of sales made on the VitalityClub Account is possible within three months of the invoice date by sending the invoice and the card number, on the reverse under the bar-code, to the respective VAMED Vitality World resort.
The conversion factor “Turnover to VitalityClub Points” will be set by VSG. The VitalityClub Points accumulated in the VitalityClub Account can be redeemed for vouchers (“VitalityClub Vouchers”) in the VitalityClub App, in the VitalityClub Portal or via the tablets available in the VAMED Vitality World resorts. The benefits of the VAMED VitalityClub can be consumed at the VAMED Vitality World resorts participating at the time of utilisation by presenting the digital VitalityClub Voucher. The VitalityClub Points available on the VitalityClub Account expire 36 months after their accrual (this is the date on which the points are credited to the respective VitalityClub Account). VitalityClub Points available until 31 March 2022 can only be redeemed until 31 December 2022. Commercial trading with VitalityClub Vouchers (e.g. via internet platforms) is forbidden.
5. Bonus Level System
The bonus level system VitalityClub Voucher PLUS of the VAMED VitalityClub consists of the three levels: CLASSIC, SILVER and GOLD. The current bonus level can be seen when you log in to your VitalityClub Account. Assignment to a bonus level is based on the VitalityClub Points collected on your VitalityClub Account. When registering for the VAMED VitalityClub Voucher, the customer is in the CLASSIC level. The SILVER level is achieved by collecting at least 12,500 VitalityClub Points within a period of 36 months; to reach the GOLD level, at least 38,000 points are also required within a period of 36 months. Details of the individual bonus levels can be found under https://www.vitalityworld.com.
6. Period of Validity/Cancellation
Participation in the VAMED VitalityClub Voucher is based on an open-ended contract. The customer can terminate the legal relationship in writing at any time with immediate effect. The legal relationship can also be terminated by the customer deleting the profile in the app or web app. VSG can terminate the legal relationship in writing at any time with a notice period of two months without giving reasons. After delivery of the notice of cancellation, no VitalityClub Points can be credited to the VitalityClub Account; points can no longer be redeemed after expiry of the notice period; VitalityClub Vouchers already purchased lose their validity; the other Club benefits can also no longer be used. In addition, VSG is entitled to exclude the customer from further participation in the VAMED VitalityClub Voucher with immediate effect and to delete all data in the event of proven misuse of the bonus programme and in the event of false information or behavior that is detrimental to the interests of VSG.
In this case, all VitalityClub Points and VitalityClub Vouchers accumulated in the VitalityClub Account will automatically expire. In the event of inactivity for a period of 36 months, VSG is authorised to terminate the contractual relationship and delete the data after prior notification to the customer’s last known email address.
7. Guarantee, limitation of liability
Cash redemption of VitalityClub Points, VitalityClub Vouchers and other club benefits is excluded. Cash redemption is also excluded if a VAMED Vitality World resort is temporarily or completely closed or is no longer one of the VAMED Vitality World resorts. The resorts of VAMED Vitality World and VSG are neither liable for system malfunctions or failures of the VAMED VitalityClub Voucher nor for their consequences. Furthermore, the VAMED Vitality World resorts and VSG are not liable for any misuse of the VAMED VitalityClub and/or VitalityClub Vouchers as a result of loss or theft.
8. Change of address or name/changes of the GTC or the programme
The customer can change his or her address or name at any time in writing in the application VitalityClub Voucher or in the portal VitalityClub Voucher. Mailings and declarations sent to the address last notified by the customer shall be deemed to have been effectively delivered to the customer if the customer has not notified us of the change of address. The current terms and conditions can be viewed on the websites of the VAMED Vitality World resorts and under https://www.vitality-world.com or the application VitalityClub Voucher. VSG is entitled at any time and at its exclusive discretion and without prior notice to discontinue the VAMED VitalityClub Voucher and/or to modify, limit or suspend it and the GTC. The customer will be notified of any changes or additions to these GTC in the application VitalityClub Voucher or on the portal VitalityClub Voucher. The customer shall be deemed to have approved the amendment or addition unless the customer submits a written objection to the sender of the amendment notification within one month of
becoming aware of the amendment notification. In the notification of the amendment to the GTC, the customer shall be expressly informed of the option to object within the deadline and the consequences of failing to object.
9. Data Protection
he personal data resulting from the customer’s participation in the VAMED VitalityClub Voucher,
i.e. name, form of address, title, number of persons in the household, address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth and language. Other personal data also includes information about the newsletter, VitalityClub Account data, the VAMED Vitality World resort in which the customer is registered, the registration date and data that is subsequently disclosed in the course of a hotel and/or spa stay, i.e. preferences regarding room category and room furnishings, food and drink preferences, eating habits, allergies, pets, mode of arrival, early check-in or late check-out, bathrobe size, preferences regarding bookable leisure activities and treatments, special requests due to physical impairments or illnesses, marital status, number of children and date of birth of children (in short “preferences”). These are preferences regarding room category and room amenities, food and beverage preferences, eating habits, allergies, pets, type of arrival, early check-in or late check-out, bathrobe size, preferences regarding bookable leisure activities and treatments, special requests due to physical impairments or illnesses, marital status, number of children and date of birth of children (in short, the “data”). All these data are processed by VSG and shared with the other VAMED VitalityClub Voucher participating resorts of the VAMED Vitality World (these are: 1) Aqua Dome Tirol Therme Längenfeld GMBH & CO KG, 2) TAUERN SPA WORLD Betriebs GmbH & Co KG, 3) TBG Thermenzentrum Geinberg BetriebsgmbH, 4) TBL Therme Laa a.d. Thaya – Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H, 5) Therme Wien GmbH & Co KG, 6) Heilbad Sauerbrunn Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., 7) Therme Seewinkel Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H., 8) Gesundheitsresort Gars Betriebs GmbH). The processing and transmission of the data to the other VAMED Vitality World resorts is necessary for the administration of participation in the VAMED VitalityClub and the customer’s VitalityClub Account (crediting of bonus points, redemption at another VAMED Vitality World resort, etc.). If the information is not provided, participation in the VAMED VitalityClub Voucher is not possible. The purposes of data processing are the administration of the customer’s VitalityClub Account, the processing of benefits from the VAMED VitalityClub, customer support and – if the customer has agreed – marketing for products, services and services of the resorts of VAMED Vitality World, promotions and events as well as news from the resorts of VAMED Vitality World (including the sending of corresponding marketing materials by post, e-mail, SMS and contact by telephone).
Processing for the purpose of managing participation in the VAMED VitalityClub Voucher is carried out on the basis of Art 6 (1) b) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) (fulfillment of the contract). The processing of data for marketing purposes is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR (consent).
The data is processed for the purpose of providing the electronic system for the VAMED VitalityClub Voucher and for marketing purposes by hello again GmbH (Dr. Herbert-Sperl-Ring 3/6, 4060 Leonding), mediasupport GmbH (Lerchenfelder Straße 124/Top 6, 1080 Vienna), vendo Kommunikation + Druck GmbH (Johannes-Gutenberg-Strasse 2, 4840 Vöcklabruck) AUSTRIACARD AG (Lamezanstraße 4-8, 1230 Vienna), protel hotelsoftware GmbH (Europaplatz 8, 44269 Dortmund), TravelClick, Inc. (Via Augusta, 117, Barcelona 08006, Spanien), high.one Marketing OG (Gurkgasse 43/Top 2, 1140 Wien),
Druckwerkstatt Handels GmbH (Hosnedlgasse 16b, A-1220 Vienna) and Betterspace GmbH (Oberpörlitzer Straße 2, 98693 Ilmenau), TAC – The Assistant Company (Schildbach 211, 8230 Hartberg, Austria) and Incert eTourismus GmbH & Co KG (Leonfeldner Str. 328, 4040 Linz). The data will not be transferred to other third parties.
The details of the data protection officer for VAMED Standortentwicklung und Engineering GmbH and the resorts of VAMED Vitality World are as follows:
Per-Oliver Gustavson M.A., Sterngasse 5, 1230 Vienna.
The data will be stored for the duration of participation in the VAMED VitalityClub Voucher and beyond that as long as statutory retention periods exist, legal claims can be asserted from the contractual relationship or other legitimate reasons justify further storage.
Consent to the sending of post, emails, text messages and contact by telephone can be revoked at any time in writing (email: club@vitality-world.com). This does not affect the lawfulness of data processing based on consent until revocation. Furthermore, in accordance with the statutory regulations, the customer has the right to be informed about the data concerning him/her, to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing or objection to processing, to data portability and to lodge a complaint with the Austrian Data Protection Authority (Wickenburggasse 8, 1080 Vienna) or another competent supervisory authority in his/her country of residence.
10. Applicable law, place of fulfillment, place of jurisdiction
Austrian material law shall apply with the exception of the conflict of laws rules and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Places of fulfillment are the participating resorts of VAMED Vitality World. The place of jurisdiction is Vienna, Innere Stadt, unless another place of jurisdiction is mandatory due to consumer protection regulations. Should individual provisions of these GTC be invalid, this shall not affect the validity and obligation to comply with the remaining provisions of the GTC.
As at: 24 November 2022